About us

   Neodom is a professional premium real estate agency. We work according to the standards of the "Family office" and our priorities are an individual investment strategy for each client, complete confidentiality of information about the assets of clients, a full range of services for the registration of residence permit documents and further support of the assets of our clients in Spain.

   All our employees have many years of experience working with VIP clients and have a deep understanding of the details and nuances of the real estate market in the Costa Blanca region.

   Our company specializes in working with clients whose goal is to obtain a residence permit in Spain through investments in liquid real estate. We understand all the concerns of families who have decided to relocate to Spain. We help our clients to solve issues from the first steps to obtaining all the necessary documents, as well as registering children in prestigious international schools and provide assistance in other issues that arise for people during the first period of their adaptation.