Sell your property

We will sell your property quickly and offer the best conditions on the market on commission for you!

We will sell your property quickly and offer the best conditions on the market on commission for you!

If you want to sell a property in Spain, please contact us

Selling a property is a big decision and we understand that you want to get the best possible deal. We offer them to you - the LOWEST commission on the market and the FASTEST selling time - our offer to you. Why - these are our arguments.

We offer a comprehensive approach to the sale of real estate, starting with the preparation of a professional valuation of your property, based on data analytics and price dynamics for a specific region, with details down to the city area and a specific street, and the current competitive environment for similar offers on the market.

Our team of experts is ready to ensure maximum visibility of your property in the real estate market, using all possible advertising channels and strategies.

  • We are connected and upload all our objects to the TOP platforms of Idealista, Fotocasa and 12 other platforms in Spain, Great Britain, CIS countries and other European countries on a daily basis.
  • We collaborate with ALL real estate agencies on the Costa Blanca and send your property to all interested agencies.
  • Each property owner who wants to sell it has a PERSONAL ACCOUNT on his smartphone in our system, where he can track all the actions, viewings, meetings and activities on his property, up to the number of requests from real estate aggregators and the number of views of the property on the website.

We are convinced that each property has its own unique characteristics, and therefore we approach each sale individually, choosing the optimal approach and strategy for each client.

We are ready to offer special additional services:

  • Decoration of the object
  • Professional photoshoot
  • Virtual Tours
  • video review in English, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian, which dramatically improve the visual characteristics of the object and increase the price of its sale.

If you want to sell your property quickly and conveniently, contact us today. We guarantee a high level of professionalism, efficiency and complete confidentiality in all your transactions.

Take the first step towards a successful sale of your property - contact us and entrust your transaction to professionals!